Keeping Notes

I’ve been keeping track of a large number of notes and links lately in a very low tech way – a simple text file that lives in my dropbox folder. Mostly interesting article links that I want to get back to reviewing in detail or just general refreshers/ideas/todos. Mainly the types of things that are too fragmented and small to make it into my moleskin notebook, but things I want to keep track of regardless. The list keeps growing faster than I can address the items on it. Sound familiar? At any rate, it’s finally grown to the point where a little more organization is required.

Tonight I just happened to run across this great little wiki, tidlly wiki, which seems to be exactly the right fit. It’s entirely html/javascript and saves to itself when you open it via a file url in your browser, so it fits seamlessly into my current dropbox-share workflow. Plus, it has all the basic organizational capabilities of a basic wiki to allow me to bring some order to the chaos. It’s exactly what I was looking for. Thank you, intertubes.